Where do I go for ...?

To apply or re-apply to SBCC
To register for classes
To understand the waitlist process
To add and drop classes
To research transfer institutions (UC, CSU, Private, out of state)
To join University Transfer Academy
To join Transfer Achievement Program (TAP)
To attend workshops for TAG  (Transfer Admission Guarantee)
To get assistance with applying to colleges (UC/CSU, Out of State and Private, Common Application, College Report)
To find out about diplomas
To submit petitions and required documentation (Excess Units, Pass/No Pass, Excused WIthdrawal)
To find out why your CRN/Add Code is not working
To find out why you have been dropped from a class
To learn how to get on wait list and move from the waitlist into a class
To have your California Community College transcripts evaluated 
To clear prerequisites
To have English and Math classes evaluated for an SBCC AA degree 
Your instructor
To add a class after it has begun (add codes only given when space is available)
To access Canvas
To inquire about your grades or missing assignments
To get questions answered related to CCPG (BOGW) and FAFSA and Financial Aid Disbursement
To submit your completed SEP for Financial Aid appeals
To find out how to get on the Promise/If you are on the Promise/How to stay on the Promise/Petition to be re-instated
To order your official transcripts
To access your unofficial transcripts
To log-in to Starfish and access your Student Education Plan in Degree Planner 
To register for classes