Hiring Forms Spring 2024
Follow the steps below to begin your tutor hiring process.
For more information about the tutor hiring process, including how to prepare for
your specific journey, please visit our Tutor Hiring Information page.
Step 1: For each Semester that you will be working, you need to fill out at least one form, the Tutor Form.
Step 2: Most tutors will also need to sign an Acceptance of Hourly Employment Form.
Step 3: (Optional) The Tutor Form has enough space on it for you to sign up for one tutoring job. If you have more than one job, please fill out an Additional Tutoring Job form for each additional job you will be doing.
Step 4: Tutors are notified of the position's approval through their Pipeline email.
Keep scrolling down to access them all.
Step 1: Tutor Form
Fill out only one of the two Tutor Forms below. You need to do this every semester to keep your information up to date. This form helps us identify you accurately, hire you in the right category, pay you at the right rate, get you the right time sheet for each job, and connect you with the right supervisor and resources. (Be sure to check the semester to make sure that you are filling out the form for the right semester.)
New Hires
Use this form if you have not worked at SBCC in any capacity during the last two years, even if you have worked at SBCC further back in the past. It does not matter if you worked at SBCC as a tutor or in another, different kind of job. If you have worked at SBCC in the last two years, you are not a new hire (which means that you need to use the other form, the one for returning tutors and rehires). However, once you have been gone from the college for two or more years, you need to go through the new hire process with HR again. That is what this form is for.
Returning Tutors (and other Rehires)
Use this form if you are a returning tutor, or if you are a rehire to SBCC who is new to tutoring. If you have worked at SBCC during the last two years in any capacity, you do not have to go through the new hire process with HR, so this form below is for you.
Step 2: Acceptance of Hourly Employment
Click on the link below to read and sign the Acceptance of Hourly Staff Employment and Meal Waiver Form. You must do this every semester that you work as a tutor. It is a requirement from HR.
Acceptance of Hourly Staff Employment, Spring 2024
Step 3: Additional Tutoring Jobs (Optional)
The Tutor Form that you filled out above asked you for information about one tutoring job (or position). If you have more than one tutoring position, use this form to tell us about any additional ones. This means you will sign up for your second, third, fourth (and so on...) tutoring job with this form. Use the form below for one position at a time and return to fill it out again if you need to.
Additional Tutoring Job Form, Spring 2024
You may have more than one General/Subject Area job or more than one Course-Specific job. You might also have one or more General/Subject Area job along with one or more Course-Specific jobs. If you are a General/Subject Area tutor, you will need a separate job for each department or service that you work in. For most course-specific tutors, if you are tutoring for more than one instructor, you will have a different position for each instructor. (Math tutors and Geology/Geography tutors are the exception.) Positions/jobs match up with timesheets. If you need more than one timesheet, it is because you are working more than one tutoring position. Be sure to sign up for all of them so that you can get paid for all the different work that you do. Just keep in mind that you cannot work more than 19.5 hours per week for all of your jobs at SBCC--tutoring and non-tutoring--combined.
Step 4: Keep an eye on your Pipeline email.
That is how we will contact you with next steps. The sooner you respond to our emails, the faster we can get you started working!